Data publikacji : 2024-02-19

Nadmierne zadłużanie się gospodarstw domowych – przyczyna i skutek wykluczenia finansowego

Iwa Kuchciak


Awareness of the scale of financial exclusion and over-indebtedness and, above all, of the negative consequences of what they involve on a micro-economic scale for individual households, as well as on a macro-economic scale for the whole national economy is not reflected in considerations on the basis of identification of the interdependencies and concomitance of both phenomena. The purpose of this article is to indicate relationships between the phenomenon of over-indebtedness and financial exclusion, especially banking exclusion. In particular, this paper will explore the size of household debt and financial exclusion in Poland, and then the recognition of the causes and consequences of both phenomena with an identification of the common areas. An examination of the socioeconomic profiles of people facing over-indebtedness and those facing financial exclusion and an analysis of the whole process of households becoming over-indebted or financially excluded shows that these two terms are closely related and strongly interact with other.

Słowa kluczowe:

zadłużenie gospodarstw domowych, wykluczenie finansowe, wykluczenie bankowe, nadmierne zadłużenie





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Zasady cytowania

Kuchciak, I. (2024). Nadmierne zadłużanie się gospodarstw domowych – przyczyna i skutek wykluczenia finansowego. Bezpieczny Bank, 135–157. Pobrano z

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