Data publikacji : 2024-02-19

Kierunki zmian w architekturze nadzoru finansowego ze szczebla UE powstałej po kryzysie finansowym z 2007 roku

Agata Głogowska-Mikołajczyk


The financial crisis that started in 2007 revealed serious deficiencies in existing solutions that were supposed to secure financial stability of the banking system not only in the EU but in the whole world. Thus there has been a need for an approach focusing on a stronger banking supervision system that would be equipped with tools and measures facilitating the implementation of new provisions in all member states of the EU as well as eradicating the recognized shortcomings in the banking supervisory framework.

New foundations for consolidated banking market supervision should be thoroughly considered since lack of transparency and overregulation are not likely to facilitate the process of restoring financial stability. So recognizing potential problems and their origins while drafting proposals for the changes to be impleme will possibly contribute first to a more efficient adoption of these provisions and second, if necessary, to easier amendment of the introduced framework.

The article focuses on the comprehensive examination of the competences of institutions operating since 2011 within the financial supervision architecture at an EU level, including a critical review of the new proposals (single supervisory mechanism within the banking union) to be implemented in 2014. Considerable emphasis is put on the role of the ECB in regulating and controlling the banking sector.

Słowa kluczowe:

Unia Europejska, zintegrowane ramy finansowe, unia bankowa, jednolity mechanizm nadzorczy, Europejski Bank Centralny





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Głogowska-Mikołajczyk, A. . (2024). Kierunki zmian w architekturze nadzoru finansowego ze szczebla UE powstałej po kryzysie finansowym z 2007 roku. Bezpieczny Bank, 54(1), 123–156. Pobrano z

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