Published : 2025-02-17

The scope of tasks of the Insurance Guarantee Fund in the context of the concept of "compulsory insurance" in Polish law


The article concerns the scope of liability of the Polish guarantee body – the Insurance Guarantee Fund. The Polish statutory regulation of the scope of UFG's liability does not raise any doubts when it comes to compulsory third-party liability insurance for motor vehicle owners, compulsory third-party liability insurance for farmers, compulsory insurance of buildings on farms and life insurance. However, it is difficult to clearly interpret the scope of UFG's guarantee liability concerning other compulsory insurance – concerning third-party liability resulting from the performance of business or professional activity. The author puts forward the thesis that UFG is liable in the event of bankruptcy of an insurance company only in relation to compulsory insurance in the strict sense and only to the extent in which insurance protection for a given entity is required by law.


compulsory insurance, Polish insurance law, Insurance Guarantee Fund, minimum insurance amount, guarantee protection, bankruptcy of the insurer, civil liability insurance (third party insurance)

JEL Codes

G22, G52, K15





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Citation rules

Orlicki, M. (2025). The scope of tasks of the Insurance Guarantee Fund in the context of the concept of "compulsory insurance" in Polish law. Safe Bank, 97(4), 51–64.

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