Published : 2024-06-14

Ethics in light of Recommendation Z of the Financial Supervision Commission on internal governance in banks - de lege lata and de lege ferenda remarks


The article presents the issues of banking ethics, in particular those included in Recommendation Z. A comparison of ethical values contained in Corporate governance principles for banks, the EBA Guidelines in the field of internal management and in Recommendation Z was made. Then, de lega lata and de lege ferenda conclusions were formulated. The implementation of the set goal required the research methods: scientific observation based on a review of the available literature, studies and source materials from the banking sector, along with analysis and inference.


Recommendation Z of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Corporate governance principles for banks, EBA Guidelines on internal governance, ethics, banking ethics, corporate governance, code of ethics, risk culture, bank employees

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Rosiak, N., & Kapica, W. (2024). Ethics in light of Recommendation Z of the Financial Supervision Commission on internal governance in banks - de lege lata and de lege ferenda remarks. Safe Bank, 94(1), 91–106.

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