Published : 2023-11-03

Why are the effects of banking crises complex and their costs very high?


Against the background of literature studies and empirical analyses, the article deals with the complexity and main consequences of banking crises, especially its economic costs.

In the first part of the article, conceptual considerations and empirical studies on banking crises are conducted against the background of a critical analysis of the literature and the author's interpretation of this category of economics and finance.  In the second part of the article, the systemic complexities of banking crises are characterized, and in the third part, the main consequences of these crises in terms of changes in GDP, loss of property of households and enterprises, fiscal costs and depreciation of assets. The fourth part is devoted to a critical analysis of the literature on the political and institutional consequences of banking crises, highlighting the rise of populist ideas and their supporters who force regulatory changes.


banking crisis, bank run, bank panics, recession

JEL Codes

G01, G21





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Pruchnik, K. (2023). Why are the effects of banking crises complex and their costs very high?. Safe Bank, 92(3), 52–63.

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