Data publikacji : 2024-02-19

Wartość ryzyka operacyjnego banku w ujęciu holistycznym

Zbigniew Krysiak


This paper is dedicated to the topic of operational risk management linked to holistic approach in overall risk management within banking organization. A risk driven banking culture faces many challenges and obstacles. Banks are charged with many regulatory requirements, which on the one hand raise operational costs, and on the other reduce the potential for creative and innovative development of risk management systems. The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) concept creates a good base for a holistic approach to risk treatment and can be assumed to be a great tool in solving many issues related to the inefficiency of the current risk management models in banks. Operational risk management viewed from a silo perspective can’t be successful when facing financial distress or financial crisis on the market. Shifting operational risk management into a wider and holistic perspective seems to be a critical issue in accomplishing of the bank’s goals by appropriate execution of strategy. A holistic approach to operational risk management helps to recognize its key role for business success. From that perspective operational risk management is a main driver of strategic risk and business risk as a whole. Operational risk management can be perceived as the main engine to a bank’s ship, which it fails, might not be able to bring the organization to its intended goals. 

Słowa kluczowe:

ryzyko operacyjne, ryzyko kredytowe, wartość zagrożona, przerzucanie ryzyka, holistyczne zarządzanie ryzykiem, kultura organizacyjna oparta na ryzyku





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Zasady cytowania

Krysiak, Z. . (2024). Wartość ryzyka operacyjnego banku w ujęciu holistycznym. Bezpieczny Bank, 50(1), 112–129. Pobrano z

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