Data publikacji : 2020-07-09

Monetary policy across the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic


This paper presents monetary policy measures undertaken by selected central banks across the World following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a special focus on the Federal Reserve System and the Eurosystem. Against a background of falling global economic activity and rising risk aversion in global financial markets due to the pandemic, which was accompanied by announced or implemented large anti-crisis fiscal measures in many countries, a very large number of central banks eased their monetary policy. Not only did they lower short-term interest rates, they also employed a number of other tools, such as asset purchases, additional liquidity provision operations, foreign exchange interventions and swap lines. The universality, pace, range, and scale of monetary policy easing was unprecedented. At the current juncture, given the ongoing pandemic and the uncertainty about its economic impact, it is difficult to forecast the total scale and scope of the global monetary expansion.

Słowa kluczowe:

polityka pieniężna, bank centralny, Rezerwa Federalna Stanów Zjednoczonych, Europejski Bank Centralny, Eurosystem, polityka gospodarcza, COVID-19, pandemia





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Zasady cytowania

Grostal, W. (2020). Monetary policy across the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bezpieczny Bank, 79(2), 7–24.

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