Published : 2024-08-22

The concepts and achievements of Franciszek Stefczyk from the perspective of a century


This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the death of Franciszek Stefczyk. The article discusses his life and activities in the scientific field, but also in education, education and cooperatives. Stefczyk made a great contribution to the development of civilization in the Polish countryside, agriculture and cooperative finance. The text presents the idea of ​​cooperative credit unions and their development in Poland, from their establishment in 1890, through the period of the Second Polish Republic, the times after World War II and after the political transformation, as well as the current situation of credit unions. The work of Franciszek Stefczyk brought a lot of good, it was a priceless contribution to the development of Polish countryside, agriculture, popularization of cooperatives, and in other areas it contributed to economic and social progress. His activity in spreading knowledge and his contribution to the development of - as we would call it today - human capital were invaluable. We also cannot forget about the system of values ​​that guided F. Stefczyk and the social teaching of the Church, which was his compass. Franciszek Stefczyk was one of the forerunners of business ethics and social responsibility of homo oeconomicus.


Franciszek Stefczyk, cooperatives, savings and loan associations, agricultural development, economic education of peasants

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Owsiak, S. (2024). The concepts and achievements of Franciszek Stefczyk from the perspective of a century. Safe Bank, 95(2), 7–26.

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