Published : 2024-08-22

Social perception of anti-crisis measures taken towards banks in Poland


By definition, interest in the mechanisms and procedures of anti-crisis measures during periods of financial stability is minimal. It is only when indications of a deteriorating situation in the banking sector emerge that a greater public desire for information can be observed. However, a lack of understanding of the basic concepts and principles regarding anti-crisis procedures can cause anxiety and panic among bank customers. For example, the recent decision to initiate resolution mechanism in 2022 for a large commercial bank caused confusion and concern among the public. Such reactions from bank customers were likely due to their individual beliefs and knowledge about the implemented resolution procedure. Therefore, this article investigates the current perception of the Polish society regarding measures taken towards banks in crisis situations.


banking crisis, financial stability, anti-crises procedures, resolution procedure

JEL Codes

G01, G21, G28, H12





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Ciołkowska, A. (2024). Social perception of anti-crisis measures taken towards banks in Poland. Safe Bank, 95(2), 114–141.

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