Published : 2024-08-22

The diversity of deposit insurance system models in the context of a moral hazard

Patryk Bystroń


The dilemmas that need to be resolved when designing a guarantee system were presented, considering the impact of individual solutions on the scale of the moral hazard. The deposit guarantee systems operating in Poland, the United States, Belarus, and Switzerland were presented in terms of their structure and effectiveness in fulfilling the task of ensuring guaranteed payout. The study also presented the results of a conducted survey and based on them, the scale of moral hazard in Poland and the United States was compared. Additionally, by using proprietary measures - the knowledge index and the moral hazard index - the relationship between the knowledge of deposit guarantee principles and the frequency of moral hazard was examined. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, place of residence, and level of savings have an impact on the scale of moral hazard among individual depositors.


deposit insurance schemes, moral hazard, knowledge of deposit insurance principles, financial stability

JEL Codes

D14, G01, G21, G53





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Citation rules

Bystroń, P. (2024). The diversity of deposit insurance system models in the context of a moral hazard. Safe Bank, 95(2), 63–90.

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