Published : 2020-10-21

Deposit Guarantees in Poland in the Years 1995-2000: Axiology, Selected Regulations, Practice

Tomasz Obal


The aim of the article is an analysis of the changes in regulation on deposit guarantees. The evolution of the regulation is shown against the background of the history of the Bank Guarantee Fund, an institution which has been responsible for deposit guarantees for the past 25 years in the Polish banking sector. In order for a fuller picture of the role deposit guarantees schemes play in stabilising the banking sector to emerge, the article also presents a short summary of the history of the banking sector in Poland. It describes the rebirth of the Polish banking sector in market economy after 123 years of lack of state independence and its subsequent operation in unfavourable conditions in the interwar period, as well as in planned economy. International circumstances are also taken into account, in particular the role of the United States in implementing the idea of deposit guarantees and the development of guarantee schemes in the world. Particular focus is put on the development of deposit guarantee schemes in Poland and the role of the Bank Guarantee Fund in that system. The article also shows regulatory dilemmas and subsequent novelisations of the directive on deposit guarantee schemes. It also discusses improvements of the banking systems’ stability and deposit protections, both on the level of the European Union and of the state.


Polish Bank Guarantee Fund, legal regulations, deposit guarantee scheem, deposit insurance systems (DIS), financial assistance for banks and credit cooperatives, resolution

JEL Codes

G21, G28, G33, G34, G38





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Obal, T. (2020). Deposit Guarantees in Poland in the Years 1995-2000: Axiology, Selected Regulations, Practice. Safe Bank, 80(3), 52–71. Retrieved from

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