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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication in another publishing house.
  • The text of the article is saved in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • The text is written with single spaces, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing; tables, diagrams and figures are numbered, titled, have the source and reference in the text.
  • The article uses the Harvard system of footnotes.
  • I have read the "Declaration of the author of Safe Bank" and enclose the signed declaration.
Author Guidelines
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Author Guidelines

Formal requirements:
1. The editors of Bezpieczny Bank (hereinafter BB) accepts studies of a scientific nature concerning the issues of financial system stability, the safety of the banking sector and banks, and in particular the issues of guaranteeing deposits and orderly resolution.
2. The article in the form of an MS Word file should be submitted via the website
3. If necessary, authors may obtain additional information from the secretary of the Editorial Board by e-mail:
4. Sending the study to the BB Editorial Office for publication means that:
• has not been previously published;
• is not submitted for publication in another entity;
• if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the Editor.
5. The study should be accompanied by the proposed title, abstract and key words in Polish and English, moreover the classification codes of the Journal of Economic Literature - the so-called JEL Codes, and a bibliography prepared in accordance with the principles set out in the Harvard system
6. Authors are responsible for obtaining the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce any data, tables, diagrams or drawings to which they are legally bound.
7. Papers sent for publication in BB are reviewed according to the following procedure:
• The submitted articles are pre-reviewed by a member of the Editorial Committee or the Program Council;
• Initial reviews express the opinion on the substantive compliance of the study with the BB profile and the scientific level,
• Positive opinions are subject to control with anti-plagiarism software,
• Positive anti-plagiarism evaluation is a condition for submitting the article for review;
• Reviews are prepared in the double blind system (the so-called two-way anonymity) by independent reviewers;
• In case of divergent conclusions in the reviews, the article is sent to the next reviewer;
• Forms with the content of the review, without data about the reviewers, are sent to the authors to prepare a response or introduce changes to the original version of the article within a period not exceeding 14 business days. Under justified conditions, this period may be extended to 30 calendar days. Exceeding the set deadline may be the basis for withdrawing the study from the next issue of the journal,
• Revised versions of articles are subject to approval by the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Editorial Committee.
8. The editorial office reserves the right to shorten and edit the submitted texts.
9. Along with the submitted study, please provide contact details including the correspondence address, telephone number, e-mail address, professional title or academic degree or title, place of work and the author's ORCID code. Additionally, a scan of a personally signed declaration that the submitted text has not been published in other publications (including electronic) should be attached.
10. Editors promote the principles of scientific integrity, treating ghostwriting (in the sense of attributing the authorship of a work prepared by someone else) and guest authorship or honorary authorship (when the participation of a person is negligible or did not take place at all, and despite this, he is indicated as an author / co-author publications) as manifestations of scientific misconduct. Detected cases of misconduct will be properly exposed.
11. In order to counteract the phenomena of ghostwriting, guest authorship or honorary authorship, the Editorial Board requires the authors of the studies to disclose the contribution of individual authors to its creation, with the person submitting the text for publication being primarily responsible for the information provided.

A. Volume and structure of the study
1. The volume of the study should not exceed 20 standard typescript pages, which means ca 36,000 characters without spaces.
2. The study should consist of four parts:
• introduction (it should present the purpose, thesis or hypothesis of the study, the scope of the study (including the subject and period of research), the research method or methods used and information about the structure of the article),
• main part (with separate points in the decimal classification (1; 2; 2.1; 2.2 etc),
• endings, summaries or concluding remarks,
• attachment bibliography.
3. The content of the studies should use the Harvard system of footnotes regarding references to literature (author's name, year of publication, page number (see
4. The study must contain an abstract (in Polish and English), no longer than 1000 characters without spaces. The abstract should contain a clearly formulated purpose of the study, synthetic information about the research method and sources used, as well as the most important results or conclusions.
B. Technical requirements
1. Text in MS Word, in DOC or RTF format.
2. Number of characters: 1,800 per page, ie 30 lines of 60 characters each.
3. Font: Times New Roman 12 pt.
4. Line spacing: 1.5 lines.
5. All pages numbered. Continuous page numbering throughout the study (bottom center).
6. All tables, charts and figures should be numbered, titled, and have the source and reference in the text.
7. All tables, charts and figures should be prepared in an editable version in MS Word or MS Excel.
8. Polemic, digressive, etc. footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page (continuous numbering throughout the article).
9. When providing the data source, indicate a specific document (s), website or database (it is not sufficient to indicate only the name of the institution publishing the data).
C. Information on the principles of developing a bibliography (connector)
1. Bibliography (annexed) should be continuous, without division into types of sources.
2. In the case of monographs, articles or occasional publications, the bibliography should be prepared in alphabetical order.
3. In the case of normative documents, the bibliography should be prepared according to the rank and date of publication - from the oldest to the newest.
4. The bibliography of internet materials should contain the root domain of the reference URL and the date of downloading the material.

Author`s Statement

Editorial Team
ul. ks. Ignacego Jana Skorupki 4
00-546 Warszawa

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