Data publikacji : 2023-11-21

Bank of England a rynek nieruchomości mieszkaniowych w latach 2001–2013

Tomasz Lechowicz


As a result of financial instability in the UK and a decrease in sales in the real estate market caused by the financial crisis of 2007, the Bank of England, together with the State Treasury began a program of bank funds under the name of Funding for Lending Schem e (FLS) intended mostly to strengthen the financial markets. The main objective of this operation was to increase the supply of money
in the household sector. The Bank of England has taken action to increase the interest rates on bank deposits and bank operations made with deposit funds, and has also prepared new credit offers.

Słowa kluczowe:

finanse, nieruchomości, Wielka Brytania, kredyt





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Zasady cytowania

Lechowicz, T. (2023). Bank of England a rynek nieruchomości mieszkaniowych w latach 2001–2013. Bezpieczny Bank, 58(1), 141–155. Pobrano z

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